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 All lessons in the Pre-Primary (Grades RR & R), the Foundation Phase (Grades 1 - 3) and the Intermediate Phase (Grades 4 - 7) are planned according to the South African National Curriculum.

We apply a theme-based approach to learning in the Pre-Primary and Foundation Phases, whilst lessons in the Intermediate Phase are more subject based. Outings and excursions related to the topics and subjects take place on a regular basis and provide much fun and excitement in the school term. Afrikaans, Sesotho and English are taught in the school with English as the language of teaching and learning. The children in the first four years have all instructions translated into Sesotho (Lesotho, bordering Clarens, is inhabited by the Basotho people who speak Sesotho).

The school has a creative slant and children are encouraged to express themselves freely and enjoy being who God made them to be. Art and craft lessons, music and singing, drama and dance are a vital part of school life. Lessons are given in computer skills and design and technology. The school runs a variety of clubs which help to teach life skills and in which the children can develop a sense of responsibility and awareness of the world around them.

Sports include soccer, netball, cricket, mini-rugby, tennis, cross-country and athletics. Matches are held between our teams and teams from local schools during the year.

By providing a well-rounded and stimulating education, the school is giving hope for the future and a fair chance in tomorrow’s job market for today’s children. It is our prayer that we will see people changed by God’s love and that the fruit of that will be seen in the lives and future of the children.